MYOTYPES: The relevance of muscle fiber typology in sports
A practical & illustrated guide for the general public & sport coaches!
Eline Lievens, Flore Stassen and Wim Derave - UGhent
This beautifully illustrated guide answers questions a coach should ask himself.
Did you know...
... that training can increase the oxidative capacity of fast-twitch fibers to such extent that they become more oxidative than untrained slow-twitch fibers?
… there are 3 myotypes?
… that a talent transfer from cyclo-cross to road cycling is likely to succeed based on similar muscle typology requirements?
… that even athletes performing in the same discipline may still differ in myotype and therefore need individualized training load and recovery for optimal performance?
… that next to fast-twitch fibers, a high muscle volume can also positively influence power?
… you can prevent injuries by individualizing the training program of your team based on the muscle fiber typology of your players
… IIx fibers (formerly known as IIb fibers) might not play an important role for sports performance in most sports.