The future of training and racing with a power meter

What it's all about

  • FTP or ECP ?

    No more FTP !
    The Extended Critical Power concept is the new standard for performance analysis. This model

    • Calculates all physiological parameters, load indices and training zones important to you.

    • Determines how your aerobic and anaerobic system interfere.

    • Finds out how explosive you are.

    • Analyzes how the Exhaustion - Recuperation dynamics of your anaerobic energy reserve evolves.

    • Serves as the basis for formatting training sessions

  • Create smart training sessions

    Threshold, Polarized or Pyramidal training plans are all based on the intensity and duration of the training session itself. The training you will perform when you get on the bike determines to a very large extent how you can take your performance to the next level. So let's focus on that and try to model the perfect session.

    Have you ever wondered why your interval training consisted of 4*4' and not 5 or 6 repetitions? Or why you had to perform 15*40" with 20" rest? Or why it was 230 W and not 245 W?

    We have … and we have found an answer.

  • Real time feedback

    Knowing which and to what extent energy-producing mechanisms are taxed is crucial in the evaluation of the training process. Real-time feedback is therefore essential for achieving the training objective. Therefore, we developed a unique widget and implemented it in the SuperCycle app.

  • Knowledge is power

    On this page you will find a lot of information that will help you get your training approach right. We highly recommend this literature.

Do you still have questions?

Not sure if this approach can work for you?

Would you like a demo of how the training modules work?

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